Mezcla de la glándula parótida tumor Tumores malignos de la glandula parotida.,
Rodriguez Paramas, A;Lendoiro Otero, C;Gonzalez Garcia, J A;Souviron Encabo, R;Scola Yurrita, B;Servicio de Otorrinolaringologia, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maranon, Madrid.OBJECTIVE: To review our experience and results in the diagnosis and treatment of a low incidence pathology such as the cancer of the parotid gland. METHODS: The study reviewed 40 patients with malignant tumors of the parotid gland treated between 1991 and 2002 in our hospital. It was used the staging system TNM (American Joint Committee on Cancer 1997). RESULTS: The most common histological type in our series is the squamous cell carcinoma, in general unilateral and in the superficial lobe. Rapid tumor enlargement, fixation to the skin, cervical lymphadenopathy, pain and cial palsy are malignancy clinical findings. We obtained a 56% 5-year global survival rate, with a 68% for stages I and II, and 43% for stages III and IV. CONCLUSIONS: This pathology has a low incidence but high mortality. The staging and histological type are imporMezcla de la glándula parótida tumor Tumores malignos de la glandula parotida.tant prognMezcla de la glándula parótida tumorostic ctors. The surgery is the election treatment, associated with neck disection or radiotherapy.